
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Old Games!

Hey, everyone! So for my game posts I think I'll go in order of oldest to newest games. So some old games for this post.

Hot Air was Nitrome's first game ever and first game with a sequel.
It was the Hardest game for a while 'till mid 2007. (I think.) What
I think about it is it needs modes or to go slower. I'd been stuck on leve;
7 until Nitrome changed servers. I haven't bothered to give the game
another shot until now. But only so I could get a picture of it.

Sandman was much better. It had good music. Cute graphics.
The only thing that bugged me was that sometimes I'd accidentally
click "New Game" instead of "Load Game" and lose all my progress.
One awesome thing that I did'nt know until Skywire 2 came out
was that there was an End Game Reward. By compleating the
game you unlock rainbow sand which means you could choose
from over 8 colors of sand.

Then Chick Flick came along. It was Nitrome's first Multiplayer
game. A good thing about it I'd like to point out right away is
that you could chose between the mouse or the keyboard to
control your Chick in 1 player mode. in 2 player player 1 got
the mouse and player 2 got the keyboard. Another great thing is
that every level has a special thing from the others. Except level
1. For instance, level 2 has walls that come from the sides of the
screen and level 3 (right) has pinball bumpers.

Finally, Roly Poly comes. And right after Nitrome's first Interview.
In Roly Poly you can't actually control the Hedgehog, you turn
the entire world around him to get to the finish, avoiding spikes
and traps. One thing about this game that's cool is even on the
menus you can (or have to) turn the game screen. The graphics
were cute but the game hard. In this one, though the levels are
divided into difficulties, each with 10 levels. Easy, Medium, and
Hard. You can also play the first level of a difficulty instead of
working your way up there. I liked that.
Anyways, that's all for this post. I hope you like it! Also, you may have noticed that this section is labled "Games".
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